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Ethereum: How does Bitcoin figure out what time it is?

Mechanism of movement of the time of customs of Satoshi from Bitcoin **

Bitcoin’s Satoshi client is responsible for checking and updating blockchain to ensure his integrity and security. One of the key features that allow this functionality is the ability to determine the current time. In this article we deal with the use of Satoshi client’s time to validate the blocks and maintain a constant chronology.

Time role in Bitcoins Block Check

In Bitcoin, each block contains a reference to the hash of the anterior block, which is called the “header of the block”. This block header contains a stamp of time indicating when the block has been created. The chronology is used to check the validity of each block, ensuring that it was created at a time earlier.

The chronology is calculated on the basis of the current time using a technology called “chronometry”. The chronometry takes into account various factors, including:

  • UTC -OFFET : The Bitcoin network uses universal coordinated time (UTC) as the main standard of reference time.

  • Lep seconds

    : Bitcoin does not use seconds of leaves that are UTC adjustments, which take into account variations in the ground rotation.

  • Hardware clock : The customs customer uses the system clock on each knot that is synchronized with the hardware clock in the knot.

How to calculate Satoshi Customer Time

The Satoshi customer calculates the time using a combination of software and external references. A few important steps are involved here:

  • ** Get your current date and current time.

  • received UTC compensation : The customer converts UTC compensation in hours, minutes and seconds for each knot on the network.

  • Calculate the chronology : The customer combines UTC compensation with the hardware clock to create a chronology of all the network nodes.

  • Interpolate the time between the node to ensure the coherence in the network, the customer interplates the time intervals between the nodes based on the estimated latency and their synchronization.

Solve for time

To solve time in the process of checking the Bitcoin block, we must consider the time stamp in a certain period of time. This happens with the following equation:

Timestamp = UTC offset + (chronology chronology) \ 60

If “Timestamp” is the calculated time stamp, UTC -FofSet is the UTC compensation, and the chronology is a parameter that represents the chronological distance between the knot.

Example of calculation

Suppose we have two knots in the Bitcoin network with an estimated latency of 100 MS each. We would like to calculate the time stamp for the first block, which was created at the same time as the second knot. With the above equation we can calculate:

Timestamp = UTC offset + (chronology chronology) \ 60

= -2 hours + (-3 minutes) \* 60

= -142 minutes

The calculated chronology would be at -1 hours and 42 minutes. This time it is then used to validate the blocks on both knots.


The ability of the customer Satoshi to determine the current time is crucial for maintaining a consistent chronology throughout the Bitcoin network. With the combination of hardware with external references and the interpolation between the knots, we can accurately calculate the time stamps in certain periods of time. This function allows the Bitcoin block verification process to work perfectly with other network nodes and to ensure integrity and security.

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